
Urgent appeal with two days to go

Today, a Bank Holiday in the UK, we are making another appeal to you, our sponsors and donors, to cancel any standing orders or arrangements you may have to send payments to our Santander bank accounts. 

Santander will be closing both our Happy House and Working for the Children of Watamu accounts in just two days time on Wednesday, August 28.

Vice-chair of our trustees, Phil Marshall, is emphasising the importance of your taking the action requested immediately, please, if you have not done so already.

He is also reassuring you that the charity is fnancially secure and has money both in the UK and Kenya. 

The difficulty comes in that we have not been able to synchronise the closing of the Santander accounts with the opening of a new account with another bank.

As soon as we can we will send you our new account details so that you can make new payment arrangements.

It is unfortunate and was not our choice, and we apologise for the inconvenience, we also thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for your continued love and support. 

The children living in our care at Happy House depend as much on you as they do on us. From us all, thank you.

Together We Can Make Difference

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