
Friends always welcome

We love it when our friends return to Happy House to visit their sponsor child and to visit our family.

So it was with great joy that we welcomed Sarju and Barin Dodhia and their children Keeya and Shray. And they were pleased to see just how their sponsor child Hussein is thriving.

The family, from Buckinghamshire, brought with them so many lovely items for our children that they had collected from relatives ad friends.

These included stationery and toothbrushes from Hitesh and Rajula, girls bras from Susan Desouza and a box of toothpaste from Sheela Ruparel.

Barin had collected lots of clothes which are especialy welcome because we are currently trying to put together an outfit for each child’s Christmas gift. 

As Papa said in his thank you everything donated will be used and reused until it is no longer wearable and, even then, our house aunties are always glad of rags to use for cleaning.

Together We Can Make Difference

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