Happy birthday Papa Dave

Today, we wish our wonderful Papa Dave a very happy birthday.It will be his first without Mama Sue at his side and we all know know how very much he misses the woman who was his soulmate for half a century.But Papa has our loving Happy House family around him and wonderful friends, expecially Brenda and Red Groves who are staying there now.We hope, Papa, you will have a very happy day with one or two nice surprises!Gifts galoreWhat a lot of lovely things Brenda Groves managed to pack in her luggage. She has been collecting clothing and other essentials for our family in the time that she has been away. As always, her family and friends have also donated items for her and Red to bring with them. It’s a huge help to us as our storeroom has been depleted since the pandenic began because we have had fewer visitors, many of whom bring clothes for our children. Thank you Auntie Brenda,

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