Helping David

When David was 11 months old, our Happy house founder Mama Sue was told by doctors to take David home and love him, because he wouldn’t survive for long and would never amount to anything. We knew that he had problems, that’s why we were there and he was already loved as much as any child could be. So what did we do? We looked for solutions and since then our time, effort and enduring love is helping David to become the best that he can be. David is a lively, physically active, boy who loves playing games and football. Not bad for a child we were told would never walk. He does have learning difficulties but he learns at his pace, with extra assistance to help him At home, during these school holidays, Husna is helping him with some extra tuition. They are sister and brother in all but blood. Since coming to us at two months old, David has been a part of a loving family. He receives so much help and encouragement from everyone – children and adults.  We know that he will as our late Mama Sue wished for each one of her children, reach his own potential, whatever that might be. He may always need supported living, one of the reasons we are trying so hard to raise £50,000 to build a halfway house for children who must leave our care at 18 but who will need somewhere to live while they finish their studies or vocational training because they have no relatives who could support them with living accommodation. These children are our family, we can’t just turn our back on them at 18. Every kid that comes into our care has had some trauma or tragedy in their lives, we will never give up on any of them.

Together We Can Make Difference

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