Rains find leaks in roofing

Happy House has been looking forward to the rains – we need them to bring the parched earth alive again.  while the crops are growing well, the heavy rains find every flaw in the makuti thatched roofing on our home, large banda and on our school And that’s just what has happened. At Happy House children;s home it is going to cost almost £1000 to replace the failed roofing areas while the repairs at school will cost around £500, bringing the total to £1500, Our Yorkshire-born Papa Dave drives a hard bargain so has brokered the best price he could for both. While it is a big expense for us, there is an upside as weaving the makuti panels is an important industry for local people and installing them will also provide employment for local craftsmen. Papa Dave also brings us the good news that work has started on building at the site for our halfway house. If you would like to make a donation to help please go to: https://www.justgiving.com/childrenofwatamu/Donate

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