Mama Sue first met Judith Wray in 2009 when she had been invited to speak about her plans to build her Happy House at the Open Door Project in Blackpool.Judith, a deacon of the methodist Church, led the celebration. They were so impressed they wanted to sponsor a child with members of the group contributing towards the monthly cost.In the years since, the Open Door “uncles and aunties” have become very dear to our heart, caring as they do for their sponsor child.In 2012, when Judith’s ministry in Blackpool came to an end and she and her husband, Lloyd, moved to Leicester, Mama, Papa and auntie Libby were delighted to be at guests at a celebration in her honour.Judith and Lloyd have always kept in touch, sponsoring children , and now Judith has achieved her long-held dream of seeing the Happy House for herself.Mama, Papa and the family are delighted to see Judith and Lloyd them and Mama invited Judith to say a prayer to start the week.