
School blog: A trip to the beach

The second of our weekly Happy House School blogs:
Once again, holiday club has been a huge success. 
 All the day children who have come in to join the Happy House kids have been having great fun.

A favourite on the programme was going to the beach -swimming, splashing and playing games. Wow ,how lovely it was. 
The children took all they needed including packing towels and floats.
At the beach, as always, the children stick together groups with teachers taking good care of them. 
Kids enjoy being  holiday club because of the diversity of resources and the motivated teachers. They have enjoyed telling time, times tables, swimming, football, athletics, volleyball, cookery, book club and many more activities.
This makes our learners stand out wherever  they go. 
Mama is passionate about education and believes it should be special.
Our kids are doing the best in every aspect of the education cycle both academic, social and physically.
Head girl Janet told headmaster Mr Athumani; “Teacher, we really love these holiday activities because they keep us fit every time, we love our school and all the teachers and we are proud to be at Happy House.”
These are very encouraging remarks. Positive attitudes toward education in our children leads to excellence in performance.
There are still some places for day pupils available for the new term starting in January, right from baby class to standard seven. 
With small classes and excellent  staff and resources, pupils are able to explore and develop their potential to the full.

Together We Can Make Difference

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