St John’s Wood Community School, Knutsford, Cheshire


Holly Fowlkes, School Business Manager, contacted me before she went to Kenya on holiday in August.  She was very keen to find out how her special school could help the Happy House Project so I arranged for Silas Karisa to meet her and take her to see the Happy House.   When she returned to the UK, Holly’s family decided to sponsor a child and then she asked the School Council at St John’s Wood to do the same.


Dave and I visited the school in November 2009. We were made to feel so welcome by Mike Burgess, the Headteacher and Sally Clayton, the Deputy Head. The pupils were touched when they heard what a difference their money could make and are looking forward to receiving regular updates about the progress of “their” Happy House Kid!


The School Council was delighted to present us with a cheque for £240.

Together We Can Make Difference

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