We are still fighting for our container but we are making progress. We have been to every office in Mombasa to plead our case, we have now managed to get the import duty reduced by £700, and now we are sorting out the storage charges. Hopefully by later today that will be organized and we can take delivery at long last!! When the other two arrive there won’t be these type of problems again. I think every customs officer in Kenya from Nairobi to Mombasa has now heard of The Children of Watamu.
The electricity is being connected tomorrow and the water should be early next week
We have been in contact with Eric,the Children’s Officer from Malindi since we first had the plans drawn, he has visited us twice during the time we have been building. We asked him to come again on Wednesday and he was thrilled to see the Happy House finished. He wrote a letter to say it was the best children’s home in all of Kenya. We all knew that didn’t we? We told Eric we intend to be open for our first children to come home by the middle of February. Now is a good time for you all to cross your fingers!!
Silas has been fantastic travelling to Mombasa to Nairobi to Malindi, anywhere to help us get everything organized. Everything here is a procedure, and every procedure takes forever.
I will post pictures as soon as we get the container. Most of them will be of me kissing container!
It is rather frustrating at the moment but it will be worth everything when we see those happy healthy children running around and laughing in the Happy House.
Thank you to all of you who help and support us in so many ways.