Dubai Volunteers

During 2009 I was contacted by a lovely lady called Jo Maher from Dubai, who I have since met with her family here in Watamu. Here a piece that Phukaka, who founded the Dubai Volunteers sent when I asked why they decided to support the Children of Watamu and our Happy House Project.

DUBAI: A charity support group called Dubai Volunteers founded by Phukaka & his friends, has been raising funds this winter in Dubai to support the Children of Watamu and its Happy House in Watamu, Kenya.


Dubai Volunteers was set up by Phukaka to support sustainable projects for children. As part of the global Volunteer programme, he has conducted successful volunteer trips to Cambodia & Nepal and now to Africa, to support Children of Watamu. Children of Watamu was been introduce to us by one of my Dubai Volunteers, Jo Maher, who herself has been an active member of Dubai Volunteers fundraisers.


Phukaka said. “We were completely touched by the effort and dedication made by the founder of Children of Watamu, as we decided to give here a hand in such noble cause.  We have been organizing fundraisers throughout the winter. All money raised will go to Children of Watamu, a charity set up by an amazing lady called Sue Hayward who has devoted over ten years of her life to making a difference to the orphaned children of Watamu.”


The charity has been instrumental in building three schools, which educate 700 children from the age of two years until they are ready to work. This March, Dubai Volunteers will dispatch a group of volunteers to Watamu to assist Sue to assist her for pre arrangement for the Opening of Happy House.


Our fundraising initiative will support their latest project, the Happy House, which is due to open officially in March. Our goal is to help them buy the supplies they need to complete and run the home.”


Dubai Volunteer, Jo Maher after her visit to Watamu said: “Sue is an inspiration and proves that we can make a difference by putting smiles on children’s faces and, more importantly, giving them a future.”


Dubai Volunteers supports non-profit organisations in various developing countries.


Visit for more information.




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