What an exciting day!!
Silas brought the very first Happy House Kid to visit us today. His name is Benedict and he is 4 years old. His Mum died of Aids last December and he is being cared for my his Grandma, pictured here, but she is unable to care for a very demanding small child. As we are still trying to get so many thing finished off, and still have two containers to be delivered, Benedict will come home permanently on Monday. We were worried that he will not want to leave his Grandma, and would be crying. We were right he cried so much, but only when he had to go home, he wanted to stay and sleep at the Happy House. We are sure he will settle well in such a happy environment. We have asked one of the House Mothers Priscilla, and an Aunty Preshca to be our first family and to bond with Benedict. The atmosphere in the Happy House is lovely, everyone is so pleased to be there, from the Mums to the gardeners.
I know you are all waiting to be introduced to your ‘own’ child, but please, give me some time, I will be in touch with you all personally, we just need time to do the most important thing, and I know you will all agree, and that is to get the children settled over the next few weeks.