A Greatly Needed Fundraiser

Louise Webster was the first person to arrange a standing for for the Happy House Kids. She has been a  great help and support in so many ways, from creating a notice board in Turtle Bay Beach Club  about the Children of Watamnu and the Happy House Kids to forwarding emails to all our sponsors due to the slow at this side.
This is what Louise had to say:-
A funny money casino night was organised by myself (Louise Webster) with the help of Ann Gaines and Christine Martin. This was kindly hosted for free by the Wensleydale Round Table and 50 people spent the night gambling with millions of pounds of Wensleydale money. The night was enjoyed by all and most importantly £629 was raised. Having witnessed the beautiful Happy House for ourselves and knowing how desperately needed extra funds are we were pleased to have raised such an amount. I have had lots of people asking if I am going to hold another and suggestions that I should make it an annual event so watch this space.
Thank you to all the people in Wensleydale.
P.S. Wensleydale cheese is just lovely,  Grommit told me !

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