The Kids are Coming Home !!

What a week it has been!! I can’t believe it is Saturday again already.
I  mentioned during the week, we had met Benedict our first Happy House kid. Silas also brought 2 brothers and a sister to meet us,  we also had the twin babies. We decided that all 6 children would come home on Monday. Yesterday I got a call from Eric the children’s officer in Malindi to say that he had just been to court and 4 children all under 6 had been signed to the Happy House. Silas returned an hour later with news that he had visited 4 children in the remote area of Jimba that he had been told about and that he had told the grandma we would take them on Monday, so in the blink of an eye we went from 1 to 4 to 6 to 10 to 14!! So I think Monday will be a busy day. The excitement among the staff is electric, everyone is singing as they work.We are building families of 10 children with a house mother and an aunty so the firs 6 went to Pricilla and Preshca, well when we got word that another 4 were coming I decided that we would start our other family with  Zippora and Monica, they were thrilled. I told them as much as I knew about the children, in no time clothes were put in lockers, toiletries arranged, and teddies put on the beds ready to be cuddled!! 
Sue & Ron Hayes have been a fantastic help with arranging for the registration of the Happy House with the authorities, and staff rotas. Sue also arranged for the staff health checks, with Alex the local Health Officer. Everyone passed with flying colours. Each member of staff had to have a Typhoid jab. Alex will also come on Monday to check the health of the children.
I will post some pictures on the children on Monday when they come home and we get them settled.
I am have been struggling with the dock authorities to get our second container released, with so many items being brand new we have had to convince them that everything really has been donated for charity. We are truly a first here!  Another container from Terry Burns and the organization Furniture for Education is also now on the dock and hopefully will be with us this next week.
It is lovely to hear from so many of you who are following the blog. I am have been having trouble for the past 4 days receiving emails, I can send but not receive. Hopefully it ill be sorted in a day or two. If you are waiting fro a reply, please bear with me I will get back to you as soon as technology allows!!
Just remembered I have to go and collect a goat tomorrow that is being donated by a local guy. Do you think it will be able to sit in the passenger seat?? No laughing! I am from Manchester we don’t have goats!!

Together We Can Make Difference

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