Sue & Ron Hayes

We are all very sad to say goodbye to Sue & Ron Hayes who have been here with us all for the last 3 months. Sue has been amazing! The work she has done for the registration of the Happy House is astounding. Sue has been a  marvellous mentor for Silas as his life takes a new direction as our Social Worker. He has been able to learn so much from a true professional who spent 40 years working at the highest level to help Britain’s children in crisis. Sue has really set us off on the right foot. Ron has been a fantastic help too, his DIY skills are in evidence all over the Happy  House and we are so grateful to him for all that he has done, including the arduous task of organising to staff rotas.
We will all miss you Sue and Ron, and know that after three months in Watamu, where you have got to know so many people, you will be missing us too.
We thank you both so much.

Together We Can Make Difference

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