What a Difference a Day Makes

What a difference day makes. Yesterday we could fry eggs on the stones outside, today it has poured with rain every bit of the day, it is very windy, and the locals say cold. To me, ‘The Muzungu’ ( white person ) it is really  nice and comfortable. Wet & windy yes but cold never. The staff are shivering and I am sat in a to-shirt and cotton pants, able to function better as I am not  gradually dissolving into a hot wet puddle!!
We have closed the Banda for lessons and brought everything inside. You can see in the background the mesh green house ‘The Country Boy’ has been organizing for the growing of the veggies. Now the weather has changed things will start to grow so fast. Thank goodness, when we have our own produce it will save us some money from having to buy all the food.  I know, I know I am now very money orientated, but to say it is a big responsibility is putting it mildly.
Thanks to everyone for your love and support your emails and messages mean so very much, we really are a Happy House Family aren’t we? XX

Together We Can Make Difference

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