We have a great new social worker called Billy who is really helping us get things organised in the best interests of the children. It was decided that the children are now settled enough in the Happy House to be able to start school. When we told them yesterday there was great excitement. We have 25 children 6 of whom already attend school so we had to take 18 kids to get their uniforms. We had some shoes from what had been donated and we have socks, but we will have to buy the other shoes, we also bought 18 school bags. I arrived at the Happy House at 7.30 this morning and everyone was ready and waiting to go. The nursery teacher Josephine and two Mums have gone with the children to support the teachers.
It is so quiet for those of us that are left, no one runs when the gate opens no one shouts Mama Sue, Mama Sue, no singing or listening to grace before lunch, it really is so quiet. We know that each one of us is watching the clock for the children to come home. Billy went to school to check on the children and he said they were all happy and mixing well with the other children. I know it is better for them, but some looked so little in their uniforms. When the Tuk Tuk’s arrived to take them I filled up, it was so hard to watch them go. Myself, Rose and the Mums who stayed at home just looked at each other as we walked back inside our empty Happy House and tried to get on with our very quiet day.