Do we have a Picasso or Lowry?

I asked Kamango a local artist to come to the Happy House and teach our children how to draw and paint. He was delighted. At first he had the children just colouring in and painting the pictures we had, next lesson they will be drawing their own pictures and painting them. When Kamango was leaving he told me how much he had enjoyed being at the Happy House with the children, and would be back on Sunday. We might have a brilliant artist in our midst, but we will never find out unless he/she is given the opportunity to shine.

So many people are all so kind and generous asking what we need.

If anyone is coming could we please ask for paper, paints, brushes, colouring books, coloured pencils etc. We also need girls socks for school aged 2 to 5 years.

Together We Can Make Difference

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