Aspinalls in Asia

Having done Australia – finishing with the sights of Darwin  (pictured at
Litchfield Park) and surrounding areas and a stay with friends in Perth the
Aspinall family are now in SE Asia sating with three nights in Bangkok where
they satyed in  a two bedroomed apartment, complete with ensuite ,and a lounge
area with views over the city .
Michelle says: “Caught a metered taxi to river, the Chao Phraya River, to catch
a river express boat ( 20 baht each/ about 40p) to take us to the Grand Palace
and Wat Po, where there lies the HUGE gold buddha. Then headed over the river to
Temple of Dawn-very steep steps to climb up, Billy and Ed went the furthest-I
couldn’t look!!
MBK Shopping Centre-shops, shops and more shops, selling rubbish, rubbish and
more rubbish……
They’ve visited ther Floating Markets -120km out of Bangkok — where women sell
their fruit and veg and barter away.
Michelle says “Maddie getting LOTS of attention-unnerving really. Everybody
wants their photograph taken with her-and I mean everybody, they come in droves
and ask can they have a picture with her, some don’t even ask and just
photograph and video away, some even just try tp pick her up so she has been on
a tight rein  and has held hands at all times with me of her Dad, or even better
been on her Dad’s shoulders. Not quite sure why they are so keen, and it is by
lots of different nationalities, not just the Thais. Generally Maddie has
enjoyed the attention and has coped very well with it-she particularly liked the
older schoolgirls who came in groups of 6-10 at a time to say hello-and would
wave at them when she would see them again-a regal wave of course!”
On Sunday, the family – who are taking the long route from Bolton to the Happy
House by going via the rest of the world – were setting off on their next leg of
an amazing adventure – Vietnam!
More news from there.

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