Computer back up is a must!!

Last Monday my computer died a horrible death!! It was like losing my right arm…………….. having said that since I fell 5 weeks ago and broke my right arm in 3 places there have been days when I could have lost it quite happily!! I know that I lost some emails, if you have written to me and not received a reply please send it again. Can I please ask everyone, not to attach pictures unless you have resized them, the connection here is quite slow and they block everything up. We would be pleased to receive printed pictures for our notice boards, the children are now updating them with the help of Billy, our very caring Social Worker. Our postal address is Sue Hayward’s Happy House. P.O. Box 387, Watamu, Kenya East Africa.
I am sorry the blog has not been as often as usual, but it is hard typing with my left hand, and I have needed some time off work. I am very much on the mend now. Thank you to all of you for your love and good wishes, I  must admit it has been a very difficult time for me. My Dave has been amazing at taking care of me, mind you I have given him lots of practice over the years!! Rose, Billy  the Happy House staff and children have also been great, looking after things and of course each other. We really are a happy, Happy House family.
So many of you have written to ‘your’ children and sent pictures, if you have not as yet please do, it is a shame for a child who does not hear from even one member of their ‘family’ and others are. We also make a big celebration for each Childs birthday, on the profiles it states when it is ‘your’ Childs birthday, please send a card or a greeting it means so much. None of our children knew when it was their birthday, not one had ever celebrated. I am not even going to mention children in England and what they receive, and then is it ever enough for the majority of them??  We are so grateful for the monthly standing orders this is how we keep the Happy House up and running and our children loved and cared for, but please realize, this is not just a kind and generous deduction from your bank, it is child’s future. Your donation keeps a child safe and healthy, it saves these children from a life on the streets, a life of of destitution, and in some cases from sexual and physical abuse. These children need your support in so many ways. Please don’t write and tell me you haven’t had the time, you have if you want to!

Together We Can Make Difference

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