What a difference

On the 29th of October I posted an article about 6 children that we had been called to help. Look at this picture after just a few days they are Happy House Kids smiling happy, clean, and most of all safe. The Children’s Officer visited again on Friday and was amazed how the Happy House Magic had transformed the children. The day the children came home to us I went to see Ruth who owns a beauty salon in Watamu, as she is expert at pedicure, I asked the best way to deal with the children’s feet. Ruth immediately offered to come and help, within 15 minuets she was at the Happy House with everything needed to deal with the very badly infected little feet.  All their feet are now free from jiggers so they can run about, ride the bicycle,s and play football with their new brothers and sisters. When we see such a difference in children in such a short space of time it really does warm our hearts.

Together We Can Make Difference

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