It’s top marks for the Happy House Nursery School. Still in its first term the four class school is all ready setting new standards for education.
It is attracting visiting teachers from other schools, keen to see the new teaching methods they have heard about.
There is no doubt that the Happy House children who moved from a local school into the nursery school when it opened in January have come on in leaps and bounds.
With a shorter day and plenty of breaks they are so much more alert and able to learn and westernised teaching methods, with emphasis on learning through play for the tinies, are bringing them on so fast in every area.
The classrooms are bright and airy, the walls covered with artwork by the children, and teachers are encouraging and firm, without being harshly disciplinarian.
They are discovering how children respond so positively to this way of doing things and its refreshing for them after working in other schools where teaching methods are still as they were in Britain in the 1950s.
The district education officer has visited and was astounded by what he saw. He could find no fault and was amazed that children as young as three were being taught computer skills. He didn’t think it was possible.
“These children will not fit into any primary school, ” he said, because of how advanced they are.
“Yes,” sad Sue ” they will.”
I’m sure we don’t need three guesses to tell us what is the next project on her agenda!