Talent will out

What talented kids we are growing at the Happy House , writes Elizabeth Gomm.
Yesterday, we held a dress rehearsal for the fashion showcase the kids are putting on for guests at the first birthday party on Sunday and after only a few attempts the kids got the hang of what we’d like them to do!
But you never know what’s going to happen when you are working with kids, and that’s the fun of it! 
They’ll let their own little personalities shine and that’s just how it should be.
Our show will be unlike anything our guests have ever seen before and it’s  going to be so much fun for everyone .
The children will leave no one in any doubt that our kids really are SO happy to be Happy House kids.
These pictures were taken by Samson,seven , using my camera  – as he is the official photographer in our wedding party scene! Maybe we have a future David Bailey in our midst.
Park Ladies
Thank you to the ladies of Cleveleys Park Methodist Church who made Lynn McCluskey so welcome when she went along to talk to them about the Happy House. They were so moved by Sue’s inspiring story and made a donation of £86.59 . Some showed an interest in becoming child sponsors so we look forward to welcoming them to our family soon.

Together We Can Make Difference

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