
A message from Papa Dave

As always, football figures in this message from Papa Dave – you can take the man out of Yorkshire but you can’t remove Leeds United from his heart. 

But the purpose of this video is just to let you know what’s going on at Happy House and to say thank you to everyone who has set a standing order with our new bank for their child sponsorship or regular donation. 

We know that some of you have not yet found time to do this, and we would be really grateful if you could as soon as possible using the bank details we sent out to you recently.

If you haven’t recieved them or have any doubts please let us know by emailing: rosep@childrenofwatamu.net or elizabethgomm@childrenofwatamu.net

When you do renew your payment please let Rose know, it would be so helpful. Thank you.

Together We Can Make Difference

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