A trbute to our wonderful Auntie Betty

With great sadness we have learnt of the death of one of our dearest Happy House friends, Betty Hatch. Our lovely Auntie Betty , from Essex, adored our children had, until her health failed her, loved to be out buying bargain clothes and shoes which she sent out to Kenya, paying all the costs of transport and import tax. There is no child who doesn’t have something in their cupboard that Auntie Betty sent. She heard about of us years ago through her son, Paul, who was a regular visitor to Watamu. Sadly, Paul died suddenly just a few weeks ago. He too was a valued friend and a trustee of our charity. He delighted in making the children the laugh or buying the family a treat. It was a great joy to Mama Sue and Papa Dave when Paul and Betty came out to visit us and they and our family had such a good time together. Betty and Paul were deeply saddened by the death of our beloved Mama and supportive of Papa. Betty has been so generous and it thanks to her that we are now well into the building of the first phase of our Halfway House, which will provide living accommodation for youngsters, who at the age of 18, must leave our care but have no means of paying for somewhre to live until they have finished their studies or training and can support themselves. The first phase is a two bedroomed bungalow which will be completed in a few weeks.Papa paying tribute to Betty and Paul expresses sympathy and love from everyone at Happy House to Betty’s daughters, Nicky and Sharon, and to all her relatives and friends.He says, if they agree, he would like to name the bungalow Hatch House in honour of Betty and Paul.Some of our children gathered with him to sing two songs for Betty – we hope she could hear them! Goodnight and God Bless our beautiful friend.

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