
Add a Happy House Kid to your Shopping List

Jackie Fineman  is great support to our work in so many ways. Jackie and her daughter Hayley both sponsor Happy House children. Jackie and her family have done sponsored bike rides to raise the much needed funds to complete the Happy House  so we can be ready to open to the first children in January 2010. I had mentioned to Jackie how we are going to start a scheme in conjunction with the Blackpool Gazette Eve in Africa Appeal to Add a Happy House Kid to your Shopping List in the hope that people will each week buy one item that is so needed for the children. Jackie took me at my word and called in today with lots of toiletries, potties, vests, toothbrushes lotions and potions to keep our babies sweet.
Hayley is also very instrumental in sending letters and brochures to electrical companies in the hope they will donate funds or items that will be needed in the Happy House.
Can you add a child to your shopping list?

Together We Can Make Difference

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