A contented calm has returned to the Happy House after all the excitement of the first birthday party.
The kids were back at school yesterday, the little ones still a bit tired after their big day, but their regular afternoon nap put the spring back in their step.
By the time school finished they were firing on all cylinders and ready to play. I was working at my computer, set up on a table in the reception area, when little Mwende snuggled up beside me. Soon she was on my lap looking at pictures from the party, then came my Pendo, my lovely sponsor child (pictured with Lily), followed by Samson, Lily, Milly, Ushindi, Shakila , Hassan, Rose and more ….
They were so excited to be seeing their pictures, and the magic of video, gave them a real treat. They could hardly believe they were seeing themselves on film!
The show over we all went out to play… everyone wanting to hold my hand. It is such a joy to be a part of this very special family and to know the kids love me as much as love them.
We were dancing and singing, hula-hooping and playing. By home time I was absolutely black with dust … but so, so happy to be a Happy House “aunty”!
Baby Brian is again giving cause for concern, after the chest infection that put him in hospital we thought he had made a full recovery, but yesterday he went, in space of an hour, from being fine when I took this picture of him with Neema, to being a very wheezy baby.
I went with Uncle Billy to take him to the local clinic but Sue decided she wanted a second opinion and asked Billy to take him through to Malindi to see the paediatrician. She confirmed Sue’s suspicions that he is asthmatic and put him on a nebulizer to ease his breathing. She wants him back for more treatment every day this week and says he may have inherited the condition from a parent … something we will never know because he was abandoned at birth.
What we can promise is that, whatever the cost, he will always get the very best of care.