Back home in the UK, I am, of course, thrilled to be back with my own family but there’s a huge piece of my heart missing, left in the safe keeping of Mama Sue and our Happy House kids!
After a very long Saturday, my connecting flight delayed, I’m recharging my batteries ready to start a new week and soon, a new year, of raising money and awareness for the amazing work being achieved by Sue at the Happy House. In this economic climate it will be a tough challenge but we have to continue and to develop what we are doing, lives, children’s lives, really do depend on it.
Mama Sue has emailed these words which she has asked me to post. Thank you Sue, you know better than anyone how I am feeling today and the love in what you have written made me cry! Lots of love to you, Papa Dave and all our wonderful, boisterous and mischievous kids.
“It was with sadness in our hearts that on Friday the Happy House Family
said goodbye to our very much loved Auntie Libz. The children sang a
lovely goodbye song, some pleaded with her not to go, but go she must.
There is a saying here that you have to go to be able to come back,
already we are waiting to hear when that will be.
I have enjoyed my own time with Elizabeth, she is a lovely friend and a
great support to me in this fantastic but extremely busy life at the Happy
We have discussed and made decisions about so many things that need
doing now and in the New year to keep our Happy House running. We are
constantly on email to each other but to have her here to talk to face to face has
made such a difference. Elizabeth works so hard for the children in so
many ways we are lucky to have such a person to love our very special
Happy House Family.
Take good care of yourself Auntie Libz we love and miss you xxxxxxx”
doing now and in the New year to keep our Happy House running. We are
constantly on email to each other but to have her here to talk to face to face has
made such a difference. Elizabeth works so hard for the children in so
many ways we are lucky to have such a person to love our very special
Happy House Family.
Take good care of yourself Auntie Libz we love and miss you xxxxxxx”