
Babies on board

We  have a very effective Kidz Council made up of elected representatives from our older children. But now it looks as though are babies are muscling in. In This picture, by Uncle Billy, he’s captured a board meeting in progress – with our David chairing the animated proceedings.
Go for it kids, you are never too small to jump on the bandwagon and to air your opinions. You know at the Happy House you will always be heard.
Just a shame Google translate doesn’t have a baby babble category!
A timely reminder
Sponsors who would like to send something for their child’s savings account this Christmas can either send a cheque (made out to the Happy House) with their child’s name on the back to Elizabeth Gomm, 6 Burwood Drive, Blackpool, FY3 8NS or can pay it in directly to the Happy House account (email elizabethgomm@childrenofwatamu.net for account details if you need them), but if you do make a payment for your child’s nest egg please tell Elizabeth or Sue so that it can be transferred to their Kenya shillings account. Our kids get 14% interest once their account has been open for a year, and £5 or £10
When I’m cleaning windows….
Everyone is so excited about our new primary school that it’s all hands on deck to get it ready for Mama and Papa arriving home today and for the opening in January.
Our teachers are quite happy to roll up their sleeves (or their trousers) to helpout. Here  Mr Athuman
and Mr Mdachi using their short break time to clean the screens for the windows!

Together We Can Make Difference

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