
Banking good news at last!

The Happy House trustees and family are delighted to bring the news that our new bank account is now up and running. 

Today, as vice-chair of trustees, Phil Marshall, says in this video our regular donors and sponsors will be receiving an email from Papa Dave and Auntie Rose with the details of our new account.

We are asking you, please, to set up a new standing order as per the details to ensure that your regular donation can continue. 

This is so important because, without your generosity, we would not be able to continue the work that our charity does at the Happy House. This period has been do difficult for us, and inconvenient for you, and we will be perpetually grateful to you for the support you have given us. 

Please take a few minutes to watch this video. If you do not receive an email please contact your usual contact, be it Papa Dave, Auntie Rose, Evans or our UK coordinator Elizabeth Gomm. 

The same applies if you have any questions tto ask. In the UK, Elizabeth’s contact details are elizabethgomm@childrenofwatamu.net Thank you.

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