What fun our Happy House children had celebrating our 12th birthday. They were up early and ready to head for the beach before the sun became too hot . They splashed in the sea, played games on the sands, with the older ones helping the aunties keep and eye on the little ones. It was a lovely way to start a day of celebrations as Edward tells us. Can you help? We launched our Power of Love appeal on our birthday in the hope that you will make a doation to help us buy a new generator. The one we have has finally given up and with frequent power cuts we are desperate to get another – especially as the rainy season will start soon and power cus will be even more often than they are now. We have 50 children in our family and electricity is vital to run our water pumps, carry out household tasks like laundry, for running our administration centre and internet, plus for lighting and , crucially, to power the electric fence that keeps our building secure. We must raise £1600 to take us to the target we need having been given a headstart by young fundraiser, Natalie Gallagher, whose fundraising helped complete our bus appeal with more than £1000 left which she is happy to go to help buy an automatic generator. Donations can be made through PayPal at https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/childrenofwatamu or via JustGiving- https://www.justgiving.com/childrenofwatamu/Donate . Please reference your donation “Power of love” Any amount, however small, will count and hope you will rally to our call. Our love and thanks to you and special thanks to those who have already made a donation.