Happy House is celebrating success with our school’s results in the national exams. ,We are one of three top schools in the county in the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education results which sees our top students going on to elite national schools. ,Purity Pili, who has grown up in the care of Happy House, has achieved entry to Extra County School, whilst other top students are fee-payng day students. ,Fee paying students help our school to be sustainable. Mr Dancun, our headteacher, said Happy House school isshining with power. We are now delighted to leading with the Competency Based Curriculum ,Safe and Sound Appeal ,Safe and Sound Appeal ,We are desperately trying to raise £8,600 to meet the cost of an entire new roof for our children’s home. ,Damage done by prolonged and torrential rains late last year rendered our makuti thatched roof beyond repair and unsafe, so we are replacing it with a steel roof but have to find the money to pay for it. ,Please can you help us? ,You could arrange a fundraiser in your area. If you need us to help you with publicity etc, please email: elizabethgomm@childrenofwatamu.net ,Or you can make a donation you can do via JustGiving https://www.justgiving.com/childrenofwatamu/ or via PayPal https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/ChildrenofWatamu ,It would be wonderful if you could let us know if you do make a donation to our Safe and Sound Appeal by sending Elizabeth the confirmation you receive so that we can thank you personally. ,We know that you will help if you can and are forever grateful ,. Every penny is much needed and greatly appreciated.