Christmas Eve Show

Yesterday the Malindi Casino visited us with lots of goodies from a roast Turkey to cake and a present for each child. We also invited other friends to join us for our Christmas Show. It was a fantastic day. The children all looked fantastic, Preshca our head House Mum and really excelled in dressing the children, everyone had a new outfit for the party, with another one to wear today. All of the clothes are those that so many of you kindly donated, we now have the best dressed kids in East Africa!
The babies did their part of the show with great support from Susan and Coral, who have been here as volunteers for the past few weeks. The songs included Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, those who could help a wand with a star on top those who were too little Susan made them all a head band with a star on. They also rocked on the little horses shaking their rattles to She’ll be Coming Round the Mountain. The older children sang Away in a Manager. Jingle Bells and Little Donkey. Not a dry eye in the house, Dave & I were the first !
After the show we had dancing and the children made sure every visitor joined in. It was a fantastic day.
Today Santa is coming to see the children, with two presents for each child, I know it will be another Happy, Happy House Day.
After Christmas Rose will put all the pictures onto our Happy House Facebook Page.
Thank you to everyone who has made the Happy House possible, it really is changing the lives of so many. The Happy House Family  wish each and everyone one of you a very merry Christmas and a Happy & Healthy New Year.

Together We Can Make Difference

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