
Christmas is coming

We know it’s still October, but mince pies have been in the supermarkets since the end of August and the shops are putting up their festive displays.

At Happy House, where we have 51 children living in our care, Santa’s helpers have to start early. 

They are our social worker Auntie Elina and our good friend and trustee, Auntie Dawn Heather White, who is visting from Northern Ireland. 

They have been through our storeroom, where we keep all the clothing that is so kindly brought by visitors, to see what there is to make up a gift of a new outfit for each child. For the boys that comprises, shorts, t-shirt and underpants and for girls a skirt and top or a dress plus pants.

While we have plenty for the younger children we do need more for our older children and teens aged up to 18 as Auntie DawnHeather explains in the video.

So if you are visiting and can find room to bring a few things for our older kids we would be really grateful and so would Santa!

Together We Can Make Difference

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