Having their own clothes means the world to our children who will have had so few, if any in some cases, before they came to us.
They help the mums sort the washing and everyone knows exactly what belongs to whom.
They don’t have a lot of outfits and everything is used until it is worn out or outgrown – which ever happen sooner. If it’s outgrown it will be passed down to a younger child, just as in any family.
With everything worn once and washed, it doesn’t take long for a garment to fade as the strong sunshine takes it toll.
This stripey dress is a favourite of Mariam’s, she wears it so often. I took the picture of her with John, Fatuma, Oscar and our cat Happy weeks ago.
Last week we were walking together toward the washing line and when I asked if anything on it belonged to her she ran straight to the dress and on Friday she was wearing it again when she came to help me do the flowers for our party.
I have lost count of how many other times I have seen her wearing it and this is just the same with all our kids and their clothes.
What is their’s IS their’s, and with that ownership comes a sense of belonging and pride.