Cooking up cash!

It may have been Helen McDonald’s first Pampered Chef charity evening but she certainly didn’t let it show.
She demonstrated the products to perfection cooking up a delicious dish in the process, which everyone enjoyed sampling afterwards.
Thank you also to Kathy Goodlad for her additional hospitality at her hotel, The Robin Hood, Blackpool, and to Lynn McCluskey for hosting the very friendly evening.
It was just a small gathering but the raffle raised £53 and there is still the commission to come from the items sold on the night – so it should bring in a healthy total to help our Happy House kids.
Park Fair
We are having a choco-bola at the Craft Fair and Family Fun Day at Parks Art Deco Cafe, Stanley Park, Blackpool, on Saturday, May 7 from 10am-3pm and welcome donations of prizes – from drinking chocolate to Thornton’s best! 
Please message if you have any prizes as we will need them before the event. We are also looking for items suitable for a children’s lucky dip or tombola so again if you can help there we would be grateful. There are craft stalls still available, just contact Elizabeth to book.

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