We decided to buy a cow, for which we have had generous donations towards. The local cows can be bought for around £50 but Brenda is a cross breed, half local and half Jersey, so she cost £400. The local cows only give around 4-5 litres of milk a day. Brenda is pregnant and due to give birth in the next 6 weeks, then we will be able to milk her. At first it will be around 10 litres and it will gradually build up until we can expect anything from 15-20 litres a day. With 27 children the milk will still not be enough we need two more cows to be self sufficient. Brenda does not cost us anything to feed as she grazes on the land, so it will be free milk in a few weeks. A house is being built for Brenda as the rain is very heavy at times, I will post blog when she gets her place as she wants it!
Brenda was brought here in a pick up truck, a sight to see, trundling along the road. Brenda was definately not amused.
Why is she called Brenda? It just happened, but please Brenda’s everywhere take it as a compliment, she is lovely looking and a very gentle nature as she waits for her baby to be born. We hope it is a little girl cow, then after 2 years she too can have babies.