Exercising David

Since we were told, a few weeks ago, that our baby David has Down’s  Syndrome every effort has been made to get as much information as we can to give him the best start in life.
With the help of the Down’s Syndrome Association in the UK, I was able to access so many useful resources to send to Sue here.
Trainee social worker Hemedi (pictured), on experience alongside our Uncle  Billy, sifted through it all to put together a programme to aid his development.
That includes twice daily exercise and massage sessions with a mum working one-to-one in a concentrated effort to strengthen his limbs and stimulate his senses.
What an improvement there has been in just four weeks. He’s blowing raspberries, responding to his name, can hold his head up and roll over.
Yesterday it was Auntie Jane who was working with him, while headmum, Prescha,  did the same with Jonathan. They always work with two babies because then David isn’t been singled out as different and all our children are equally special.
David was clearly enjoying every minute of the attention (as was Jonathan), specially when big “sisters” Rukia and Hope joined in to help.
His limbs are so much stronger and his swollen tummy has subsided, and he’s interacting with the adults and children around him.
It’s tragic that David was abandoned in hospital at birth, but a blessing that he is here with us at the Happy House.
Here we can guarantee that he will always be loved and WILL reach his true potential in life.

Together We Can Make Difference

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