The charity Race Night was a resounding success. Over 100 people came to support us. Elizabeth Gomm the Womens editor from the Blackpool Gazette Newspaper spoke of how being a sponsor had changed her life and encouraged others to do the same. Brian Abrahams , Stephanie Hill and Louise Webster also explained what and enriching experience it is to be a sponsor. Lynn McCluskey worked tirelessly organizing the tombola, Lynn’s Lucky Dip, the raffle and auction.
7 children now have sponsors. Brian Abrahams plus Jill and Mick Armstrong already sponsor but decided to add another child to their ‘family’ People also bought from our Wish List and received a certificate to give as a present to a loved one. A total of 85 chickens were purchased, plus ducks, goats, cows, fruit trees and bags of seed. Jayne & Steve Dent, Geoffrey Readshaw, Chris & Ken Goddard, Doug & Laura Hare, Simon Emmett and Karen Brown all made very generous donations.
If we could raise £3,500 on the one event the Abbey Bank would make a matched donation. I am thrilled and delighted to tell you all that a terrific £7,900 was raised!!! With the matched donation it makes a total £11,400 for the Happy House. What a difference this amount of money will make to our work for the future Happy House Kids.
I sincerely thank one and all for your fantastic support and generosity.
Love Sue & The Kids xx