Friends indeed

Mike Gibson of Blackpool’s award winning cafe bar and restaurant ToasT was totally bowled over by what Sue has achieved in Kenya, and by the way young lives are being saved and transformed at the Happy House.
Introduced to our charity by a member of Sifa’s sponsor family, Colin Johnson, Mike has pledged to support us as much as he can.
And he very kindly invited us to an evening, hosted by ToasT, at Blackpool Masonic Hall, when as well as giving freemasons a sample of what delicious meals they can expect now ToasT has taken over the catering there, he also gave Elizabeth an opportunity to tell them about our Happy House family.
And a raffle, with prizes given by ToasT and the Masonic Hall, raised £240 for our funds.
A big thank-you to Mike (pictured with Elizabeth and also with club Masonic Hall president Colin Goodwin whilst talking about the charity) for his support and to everyone who took such an interest in our children and gave so generously to the raffle.

Together We Can Make Difference

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