Our Happy House is an amazing £611 better off thanks to everyone who supported our spring craft fair and fun day at Parks Art Deco Cafe, Stanley Park, Blackpool.
The place was buzzing with activity throughout the day and when they weren’t browsing the stalls, there was plenty more to keep our visitors entertained – Blackpool High Schools Pop Idol, Missa, who is donating all the proceeds of her upcoming CD to the Happy House, performed two stunning sets; a Blackpool favourite, Alan Hebden, brought his keyboard along and was brilliant as always, and Singleton Cloggers demonstrated traditional English morris dancing.
Danielle Merricks was kept busy facepainting and Nikki Bennett did nail art for little girls.
It was lovely to have so many members of our children’s sponsor families helping out – Andrea Manders (who sponsors Natasha), Jackie Fineman (who,with daughter Hailey, sponsors Charity and Stevie), Chris Camp (who is in Oscar’s family), Nikki (in baby Rose’s family), Linda Bottomley (in Rose’s family), and new sponsor Carmel Farley (who has just joined Brian’s sponsor family). Plus Lynn McCluskey (in Musyoka’s family) and me, Elizabeth, who sponsors the elder of our two Pendos. Andrea’s daughter Eleanor, Jackie’s daughter Emma, Linda’s daughter, Victoria, my son, Rob, and Lynn’s mum Mavis were also helping, making it a real family event.
The stallholders really got into the Happy House spirit, donating goods which will are saving for our charity night in November, and the whole team at Parks were brilliant. One waitress, Emily Rodgers, was so touched for our reason for being there, our Happy House kids, she will be adding to our total by donating her wages for the day. That wonderful gesture really brought a lump to our throats.
We have had so much help. Caz Fisher, who is very much involved in everything that happens in Blackpool, set up our events page on Facebook and help spread the word on craft sites, got people along and brought prizes; supporters who gave prizes; those wjo even though they were unable to come sent messages of good wishes; Lynn who, apart from helping organise the event, sold her dolls’ house bringing in £150 of the total; the radio stations who publicised and The Gazette which yesterday carried a full page feature on my latest visit to the Happy House.
We all had a fabulous day – knowing how much other people care about the kids we love so much is so heartening- and we hope that we may get some new child sponsors from it too.
I spoke to Sue last night and she was overjoyed by the result and sends her own big THANK YOU to everyone too.