Good Bye

I am sad today to have waved goodbye to my good friends Elizabeth Gomm and Maggie Hartley, pictured here with Teresa one of the volunteers from Dubai, and Happy House staff members on the opening day.
Elizabeth, as always, has been a great support to me over the past two very busy and sometimes stressful weeks. I delighted to say I invited Elizabeth to become a trustee of the charity and she very kindly accepted.
All the friends that came for the opening day including Beverley Perkins her husband Jim, and family, have all started their journey home. We will seem very quiet now as we wait for the rainy season to start. Dave the ‘Country Boy ‘ has been busy organizing the garden for planting the crops of maize, tomatoes cabbages and much more. The chickens have been ordered today so in the next week we will be able to start our cottage industry.
 Silas and Sue Hayes have now completed the paper work regarding the background of the Happy House Kids Rose and I will be starting to build the  Happy House families. Thank you all for being so patient but it really has taken a lot just to get the children settled and everything in place. As you can imagine many of these children have come through terrible situations, from the death of a parent to being mistreated and, yes, yes even worse.

Together We Can Make Difference

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