The end of the school year means that those children in kindergarten will be going up into our new primary classes at the Happy House School next term.
It’s been a really successful first year for our school and little did we think then that we would have our first primary classes to open in January this year.
Moving up to primary is a landmark in a child’s life and as is the way here a graduation ceremony takes place. Our children, both our Happy House kids and day pupils, looked so smart in graduation caps and gowns which Sue had made specially.
Each of the children received their certificate from Mama Sue.
It was a proud moment for our pupils and for Sue who has brought the Happy House so far since it opened in March 2010 and who is also Mama to most of its pupils!
The school is a separate entity and has to be both self supporting and to produce an income, so that we will eventually be able to offer free places to some of the impoverished kids living nearby and not accessing any education. This we hope to achieve by taking fee-paying day pupils and by January expect an influx of new starters.
Parents who already have their children here are absolutely delighted with their results and the very high standard of education they are getting.