Growing demands

It’s the start of a new school year for our Happy House kids next week and, as every parent knows, a new term brings with it more expense.
Our children are growing so fast that they soon need new uniform and shoes. A tall order with a family as large as our own.
Mama Sue took seven  children to Malindi to be fitted for new school shoes and also had to buy 30+ pairs of black PE pumps for our kids children too.
The bill came to a whopping £107.
If anyone can help by sending black school shoes or black pumps, to fit ages from two to 14, we would be so grateful. Every pair donated is one pair less we have to buy.
If you would like to help the address is Sue Hayward’s Happy House, PO Box 796, Watamu, Kenya, East Africa.
You may prefer to send a donation towards the cost of new shoes in which case you can send a cheque made out to the Happy House to Elizabeth Gomm, 6 Burwood Drive, Blackpool, FY3 8NS.
And, as always, thank you.

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