Halfway House: Little by little we will build

Today we join Papa Dave on the site we have bought for our halfway house. In these difficult tiems we are struggling to raise the money to start building the six units we will need to provide temporary accommodation of young people who, by law, must leave the care of the Happy House when they reach 18.So Papa Dave and our charity trustees have decided that we should phase the build as Papa explains, so that a least we will have two desperately needed units to provide supported living to young people until they finish their education and start earnig to support themselves. We apologise for this video being in two sections, starting at the plot and finishing in the Happy House office but technology let us down.We have received some generous donations so we will do the build, little by little, as and when we can in the hope that we can, at least, get the two Happy House young people desperately in need a home while they finish their education or vocational training.We re-publish the full the proposal, so that you can see what we need, in the hope you may be prompted to kindly make a donation or, perhaps, to organise a fundraising event.Donations can be made via Justgiving https://www.justgiving.com/childrenofwatamu/Donate or contact elizabethgomm@childrenofwatamu.net

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