Yesterday it was Rose’s birthday, earlier in the week she had said she would like to share it here with the Happy House Kids. So what started off a juice & biscuits when they came home from school ended up with chips for the kids as a special treat, pilau rice for the staff and guests. Hadija our cook was great. A couple of weeks ago I gave her a Bero Book, well it has changed her life! I showed her the simple recipes for scones, butterfly buns with butter cream filling, jam tarts, coconut tarts, she just couldn’t stop baking all day! She baked and decorated a lovely birthday cake for Rose. We need to remember that Hadija has never had a oven and never had the ingredients to bake before. She came in the office this morning and said we should now start selling cakes to local shops and hotels, I am always open to ways to help us make some money.
It was lovely day everyone was working together preparing for the party. We put balloons and flags outside. When the children come home from school, as soon as they enter the gate in the Tuk Tuk’s they are all cheering, because they are home, yesterday they cheered even louder! The atmosphere was fantastic. There is so much love here.
Rose said it was the best birthday ever.