Happy Dancing Kids

I am trying to organise some sort of a treat for the children every Wednesday afternoon. Last Wednesday because everyone had been so good while I was away we had a pool party. The boys looked great all in their new trunks. Thanks to everyone who rallied to the call.
This Wednesday we asked a local restaurant if they would cook chips for the children, it was such a treat as we don’t serve them here. It was great chips and a Fanta Orange. When the children had finished eating the owner put some music on, immediately all the children were all up dancing, as you can see the ‘Country Boy’ just had to join in. We have posted lots of pictures of the children dancing on our Face book page, Rose reliably informs me that is you log on to your own Facebook account and then type Happy House it will come up. Lots of your will see your own ‘family’ member having a good time.

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