Happy House in print

We now have prints for sale of the wonderful picture  which takes pride of place in Happy House.

Anyone who sees the  painting of  children silhoutted against an African sunset, and who knows our kids, can pick out individual children .. even though it wasn’t painted of them intentionally,  it is definitely them, so much so that this picture could only ever have been destined for a Happy House home.

It was my pleasure to buy it for the Happy House, writes Elizabeth Gomm, when I was there in October. I knew Sue had seen it outside the artist’s studio and loved it. I loved it, too, the minute I saw it, going  “Oh that’s John, there’s Mwende, look at Oscar “… just as Sue had done!

I had been given some money by kind friends when I left my job at the Blackpool Gazette  and added to it to make up the total.

Now we have A4 size prints available at £5 (plus £1 p&p) available for sale with every penny going to the Happy House. To get your copy send a cheque made out to The Happy House Project, alongw ith your name and address, to Elizabeth Gomm, 6 Burwood Drive, Blackpool, FY3 8NS.

Treat yourself, or a friend, to a little piece of the Happy House for your home.

Together We Can Make Difference

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