Harry or is it Moses ?

Today Billy & I took baby Harry to Malindi Hospital for a check up. He was only 1.5kg born and had been abandoned at the side of the road. He was found and taken to the hospital where he was placed in an incubator and suffered all kinds of problems for the first few weeks of his life which he well and truly fought to keep. We were asked if, when he was strong enough if he could become a Happy House Kid, of course we said yes. We supported with baby food, medicines, clothes pampers etc, until Harry weighed 2.2kg, then we were called to bring him home.
While we were at the hospital today we took Harry to the baby ward to see the staff that had taken such good care of him. The nurses were delighted to see him weighing in at 3.7kg They girls kept saying oh Moses you are beautiful oh Moses look how big your are. Billy said he is Harry now at the Happy House. On leaving the ward I asked why are they calling him Moses, as we had been asked to name him. Billy explained that every foundling in Kenya is always called Moses after Moses in the bible who was found by the Pharaohs daughter in a basket in the bull rushes. I thought that was just lovely.

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