How’s Sifa?

While Sue has been staying in Blackpool she was delighted to meet Colin Johnston, who is in Sifa’s sponsor family.
He wanted to know all about how Sifa, his interests and was pleased to hear how he is showing a natural talent for the keyboard – both musical and computer!
It was clear that Colin and his wife, Anne, really care about Sifa and we know their their involvement can only enrich his life.
Safe journey Sue
Mike and I were really sad to wave Sue off today at the start of her journey back home to the Happy House.
She and I have got so much done in the last couple of weeks and really laid some plans to help take our fundraising forward to raise the money we need to keep the Happy House going and to extend the nursery school.
It’s been lovely to have her here and we are really going to miss her, but I also know that Dave and the Happy House family have missed her so much and can’t wait to have her home.
Our loss is their gain!
Hopefully it won’t be too long before I’m able to get back to the Happy House see her and Dave and the family I love so much.

Together We Can Make Difference

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