
It’s a wrap

Today, we are thrilled to announce that work on the Happy House primary school is complete.

Thanks to a very generous donation we have been able to finish the building work which was halted in the summer.
The donor, who has asked to remain anonymous, has enabled us to get the the remaining work done in time for the start of the new school year in January.
We owe him a huge debt of gratitude.
Mama Sue, Papa Dave and Elizabeth travel back on Friday for a three week visit in which time the school will be furnished, with equipment donated  by Burnley charity Furniture for Education Worldwide, and an open day will be held.
Mama and Elizabeth work tirelessly to raise funds and awareness and have many important events on their dairies for the rest of this year and into next year, that means Mama and Papa will be staying on in the UK to ensure that these commitments are met. They will be travelling back to Kenya as often as they can, and Mama will continue to manage the Happy House from a distance. She is in daily contact with her small management team and holds all her staff and department meetings via Skype,
The Happy House has grown so fast, it’s hard to believe that it is less than three years old. To enable it to continue to meet the high standards of childcare and education it has set it is essential that it is put on a sound financial footing.
So whilst it is heartbreaking for Mama and Papa to be away from their family for such a long time, they have decided that it is the best way forward for the time being.
By the middle of next year, we hope to have succeeded in consolidating our funding and they will return home permanently leaving Elizabeth to build on the foundations she and Sue have laid together.
Mama says:We are thrilled to be going home to see our ever growing family. During our stay we will be able get the much needed extra classes of our
Primary School ready to open. All the Happy House Kids are now at our own schools which makes a huge difference in the way they are being taught which is
reflected in the excellent exam results.
We have had so much help, support, generosity and love shown towards our family by so many people, this has enabled to us to make a massive difference to the lives of  children.
 Papa & I wish to thank each and everyone of you from the bottom of our hearts for loving our family as much as we do.”
Completing the school is a major achievement, but we know that we have much more to do, many more children to help, and that means we must continue in our efforts to find new sponsors for our children, more individuals, schools and companies to support us, and more friends to help by fundraising for us.
We are so grateful to everyone who helps us in any way, however small or large.
You share in Mama Sue’s vision of a better world for children born into terrible circumstances and help us by investing your time, effort and money in our family.
Mama is making a difference to so many little lives. So are YOU.

Here in a  blog extra  from our kids, Musyoka  (who took the picture, left) reports : “I am telling you about our new school. Our new school is beautiful and always clean.
“I love our new classrooms they will be ready by next year.
“The doors and the windows are ready.”

Together We Can Make Difference

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